New York City Space Monsters

Run for your lives! Giant ants are attacking Los Angeles, Godzilla is battling Megalon, the Blob is on the loose again and the moon has just been blasted out of orbit! Is this the end of the world as we know it? No, don’t worry, it just means that Space Monsters Magazine issue one is now available to buy in the United States from our friends at Scary Monsters direct from their Scare Store!

Scary Monsters is the Rondo Award winning classic monster movie magazine that has now been running for 22 years and is a favourite with collectors and film fans in the U.S. and around the world. Each issue is a nostalgia fest for classic horror fanatics and evokes memories of a more innocent time when monster movies ruled the drive-ins and the local television stations across the country. The Scary Monsters Scare Store not only stocks back-issues of Scary Monsters magazine but also stocks all the best horror and sci-fi movie magazines including We Belong Dead and now Space Monsters!

So why not jump aboard your rocket-ship and fly on over to the Scary Monsters Scare Store for an Out Of This World shopping experience!

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Space Monsters creature ad

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